
Common Core State Standards 

"The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy."

Mission Statement for Common Core State Standards

  • The Common Core State Standards resulted from the work led by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association (NGA). These standards build on the foundation laid by the States and are research- and evidence-based, aligned with college and career expectations, rigorous and internationally benchmarked. Below you will find Parent "Road Maps" for Math and English Language Arts for Kindergarten through 8th grade.

For more information on the Michigan standards, please visit:

Link to Michigan Academic Standards

Parent Guides for K-5 

For specific information for each subject, click on the appropriate folder below then the appropriate grade.

Kindergarten Parent Guides

English Language Arts


First Grade Parent Guides

English Language Arts


Second Grade Parent Guides

English Language Arts


Third Grade Parent Guides

English Language Arts


Fourth Grade Parent Guides

English Language Arts


Fifth Grade Parent Guides

English Language Arts




  • English Language Arts

  • Math

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Michigan Model Health


  • Art

  • Music

  • Physical Education

 Benchmark Assessment

  • i-Ready
  • Benchmark Assessment System 2.0

Middle School Curriculum

Link to the Middle School Curriculum

Parent Guides for 6-8

For specific information for each subject, click on the appropriate folder below then the appropriate grade.

Sixth Grade Parent Guides

Seventh Grade Parent Guides

Eighth Grade Parent Guides

  • English Language Arts 

  • Math

Link to High School Curriculum

Notice of Meetings


HIV & Reproductive Health Curriculum Materials

Coming Soon!

2 Year Report

Coming Soon!

Sex Education Advisory Board Member Application

Members of the Sex Education Advisory Board are limited to the following roles:

  • Current parent of an SJPS student
  • SJPS educator
  • Current student at SJPS
  • Member of the clergy that serves the St. Johns community
  • Community Health professional that serves the St. Johns community

If you wish to be considered for a position on the St. Johns Public Schools Sex Education Advisory Board please complete the online application at:

You will be contacted when there is an appropriate opening on the board. 

2023-2024 Annual Education Report for St. Johns School District

Link to the District Education Report

St. Johns Public Schools offers middle and high school students the opportunity to take online courses through a variety of providers. The application deadline is prior to the start of each trimester.  The completed application must be submitted to the school counselor.  Once approved, all enrollments are handled through the SJHS Student Services Office or SJMS school counselor. 

View online courses available:

 Link to Michigan's Online Course Catalog


  • The request must align with the student’s Educational Development Plan (EDP) for grades 8 through 12.
  • Students must possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills to be successful in the online course.
  • The application will be denied if the student demonstrated failure in a previous online course.
  • Students will be responsible for submitting a Student Progress Report and Course Activity Scores Report to their counselor.
  • In order for the cost of a student’s online course to be covered, the course will replace one of his/her regularly scheduled courses.
  • Each student will be limited to two (2) online courses as part of their schedule each trimester.

Seat Time Waiver (STW)

Seat Time Waiver (STW) will be required for any student who exceeds two online courses in any term.  An additional application is required for approval for eligibility as a STW student. The counselor will assist the student and parents with the STW application process. The STW application must also be completed during registration prior to the start of any term.

NOTE:  The student/family is responsible for providing full payment to SJPS for associated fees of a course that is dropped after the reimbursement date. Classes will not be added or dropped after the first week of the term when the course is taken. 

Seat Time Waiver Application Directions:

  1. Students complete the Online Learning Survey to determine if online learning is an appropriate fit.Online Learning Readiness Survey  
  2. Parents and students fill out boxes 1 and 2 of the application.Online Learning Application
  3. Students return the form to their counselor with a signed contract.Online Learning Program Student Contract
  4. Students makes an appointment with their counselor to discuss the appropriateness of the selected course(s).

Maintained by MW 22-23

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Michael Winkel

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum
Phone: 989-227-4004
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Jen Metzmaker

Executive Assistant
Phone: 989-227-4005
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Jaclyn LeBlond

Student Success Coach
Phone: 989-227-4090