Elementary Counseling

Hello! We are your elementary counselors!

  • Nikki Jubeck - Oakview South and Eureka Elementary School Counselor.  
  • Brooke Rea - Gateway North and Riley Elementary School Counselor.

We are thrilled to be working with you and your child.  If you need anything, have a question or a concern, please be sure to reach out to us!

Online Resources for Parents/Guardians:

  • The online information resource page is designed to help you and your family with basic topics of concern regarding your children and family.  Topics cover: COVID-19, anxiety, behavioral concerns,divorce, grief, loss and trauma.

Ms. Jubeck's Schedule

Ms. Rea's Schedule

Monday: Eureka Monday: Riley
Tuesday: Oakview South Tuesday: Gateway
Wednesday: Oakview South Wednesday: Riley
Thursday: Eureka Thursday: Gateway
Friday: Oakview South Friday: Riley

Contact Us

Nikki Jubeck
Counselor for Oakview South & Eureka    

Brooke Rea
Counselor for Gateway North & Riley