Assistant Principal
Welcome to the attendance and discipline office! Autume McElroy and I work together on helping to keep accurate records and keeping parents informed. With the addition of the Infinite Campus Portal, you can check online to stay up to date with your student's attendance and grades.
One thing that we would please ask of parents and guardians is to call the attendance office 989-227-4104, and clear absences as soon as possible. This helps us to keep better records and help students avoid unexcused absences. If a student will be gone for two or more days, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get work from their teachers.
If you have questions or concerns regarding student discipline, please contact me at 989-227-4105 and I will be glad to assist you in any way possible. Our goal is to provide a safe place where students can be productive learners. We also believe in working closely with parents in any challenges we might face.
Zane Ballard
Assistant Principal
Saint Johns High School
Assistant Principal, Zane Ballard
[email protected]
Secretary, Autume McElroy
[email protected]
To Report Attendance