You have a lot of choices to make about your future.
Don't hesitate to ask your counselors , teachers, and
library staff for more help. We've been there!
Career and Future Preparation
Career Cruising is a web-based career exploration and planning tool that can help you explore career and college options and create a comprehensive Educational Development Plan (EDP). Grab your login from the password locker and get started!
Learning Express Library gives you the opportunity to prepare for the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, GED, and a host of other career and school related tests. Register at school and use it at home!
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes the Occupational Outlook Handbook, a wealth of information and statistics about jobs in the United States. You can start with their "Career Exploration" for K-12 students.
Assess your skills and interest. Think about your interests and consider your skills.
Develop a career plan. Focus on what you want to do and how to get there.
Research careers.
Find work. Learn the skills needed to pursue the career of your dreams.
Develop an effective resume.
Check this section of MEL for help exploring career preferences, resume writing, and indexes of available jobs.
Grockit is a place to practice for standardized tests collaboratively. It is free and worth consideration.
Business and Company Resource Center is a fully integrated resource bringing together company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and periodicals. Search this database to find detailed company and industry news and information.
KeyTrain is a place for you to practice for the WorkKeys examinations. Talk to your instructor to get a login.
The Michigan Electronic Library has purchased access to this database to help with job searching.