Clubs and Activities
Get Involved!
St. Johns High School offers a variety of ways for students connect and get involved. Our clubs and activities provide unique learning, social connection, and school/community engagement opportunities and events. Consider joining one today!
French Club
We have a great club that is devoted to exploring and experiencing French and Francophone culture. We meet about once a month during seminar class and we have a yearly trip to the English Inn where we eat a five-course French meal! We also sample French cheeses and desserts, play French sports, watch French movies, listen to French music, celebrate French holidays, and so much more!
Our club is managed by Madame Alicia Truitt, but ran by the French Club students.
Come and join the fun!
Book Club
Contact Mrs. Jennifer Brewer, [email protected], 989-227-4234
Business Professionals of America (BPA) give's students across the country the opportunity to develop, lead and compete as they prepare for careers in today’s modern business environment.
BPA (Business Professionals of America) is the premier CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, office administration and other related career fields.
If you are interested in joining Business Professionals of America, please fill in the form below. To be eligible for the group you need to have completed or are currently enrolled in a business course this year.
For more information about what BPA is, see
Sign up runs from October 1 through October 15 of each year.
If you would like more information, contact Mrs. Laura Wollison Hyde
FCCLA (Future career and community leaders of America)
Contact Mrs. Alexandria Svoboda, [email protected], 989-227-4270
FFA provides leadership and career development opportunities for students in Agriscience Courses. Contact Samantha Buggia, email: [email protected].
The Forensics Team allows students to compete as a team representing their school, performing in individual public speaking and acting events. The forensics season typically takes place from the end of February through May. Students travel to schools around the state on various Saturdays during this time to compete in tournaments against other schools. Students have the opportunity to earn individual awards as well as school awards. The Forensics Team is able to attend these tournaments through membership in the Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association (MIFA) and Michigan Speech Coaches Incorporated (MSCI).
Broadcasting - Students prepare a 5-minute news broadcast with international, national, state, and local news, sports, weather, and a 1-minute editorial about a chosen article from the news copy.
Extemporaneous - Students have 45 minutes to prepare and present a structured speech based on a current event using a file of research that they have prepared in advance.
Impromptu - Students have 6 minutes to prepare and present a structured speech interpreting a quote and supporting their interpretation with examples.
Informative - Students perform a 5-8 minute speech informing the audience about a topic, complete with visual aids.
Oratory - Students perform a 7-10 minute speech that is persuasive.
Sales - Students perform a 5-8 minute speech selling a product or service, complete with visual aids.
Dramatic Interpretation - Students perform a 5-8 minute cutting from a play or film script.
Prose - Students perform a 5-8 minute cutting from a short story or novel.
Duo - Two students perform a 7-10 minute cutting from a play, film script, or novel.
Multiple - Three to eight students perform a 10-15 minute cutting from a play, film script, or novel.
Poetry - Students perform a 5-8 minute poem or collection of poems centered around a common theme.
Storytelling - Students perform a 5-8 minute cutting from children's literature, folk tales, or mythology.
For additional information about MIFA forensics, please visit the MIFA Individual Events (Forensics) page.
If you are interested in joining the Forensics Team please contact Mrs. Jaclyn Charneski, 989-227-4284 or email [email protected].
GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance)
For more information contact Mr. Zach Hatten, [email protected], 989-227-4242
Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition
The Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition (MMPC) is sponsored by the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) to encourage students to develop their interests and abilities in mathematics.
The students with the top 100 scores in the two parts of the competition are honored at an awards program. Approximately $20,000 in scholarships ranging from at least $250 to $2,500 will be awarded this year.
Part I of the MMPC is open to all students in Michigan high schools. This exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions involving topics from high school mathematics.
From over 6,000 participants in Part I, the top 1,000 students are invited to take Part II of the MMPC. On Part II of the exam, students work on five challenging problems and write their solutions providing full justification and proof of their claims.
More detailed Information about the MMPC Exam can be found at MMPC Honors Top High School Students. Here you will find copies of past exams and solutions for those exams.
For more information, students and parents can contact your math teacher.
MITES (Michigan Industrial & Technology Education Society)
The Michigan Industrial & Technology Education Society, also known as MITES, host an annual competition where students can have their projects judged against others from across the state. Student projects can be selected in metalworking, woodworking, drafting and computer aided drafting.
For more information, contact:
- Woodworking - Mr. Niel Feldpausch, [email protected], 989-227-4226
- CAD - Mr. Rick LaBar, [email protected], 989-227-4223,
- Metalworking - Mr. Matt Billings, [email protected], 989-227-4211
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service and character.
The National Honor Society requires some sort of service to the community, school, or other organizations. The time spent working on these projects contributes towards the monthly service hour requirement. (Wikipedia)
To learn more about joining the National Honor Society contact Mr. Dave Stukey, 989-227-4169, or email [email protected]
Quiz Bowl
Challenge your Brain! Be a part of the SJHS Quiz Bowl Team!
Contact Mr. Derrick Veale, [email protected], 989-227-4245
Renaissance Club
Contact Mrs. Trisha Cramer, [email protected], 989-227-4232
Student Council
The student council is made up of elected student leaders. Our student council helps share ideas, interests, and concerns with administration. Students organize and plan various school-wide activities, including social events and community projects.
If you are interested in learning more about the process of running for student council contact
Contact Barry Palmer, [email protected], 989-227-4282
Student Section
Do you have spirit? Join the student section!
Contact Mrs. Megan Merchant, in the athletic office or email [email protected]
Take the stage or work behind the scenes!
St. Johns has a long history of excellence in the performing, boasting a program that mentors over 200 students from grades 6-12. The St. Johns' Theatre Department is committed to supporting performing arts opportunities for students throughout our district. During the academic year our program offers a tremendous number of production opportunities for students, including a fall musical at the high school, participation in the Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association (MIFA) theatre competition, a musical at the middle school, and a forensics team that competes through MIFA's individual events program. Our program's unique production array offers students with highly diverse backgrounds and interests a means to express their creativity. Please feel free to explore our site and to share any comments or questions you may have.
Students who participate in theatre within the St. Johns Theatre Department learn:
The ability to problem-solve.
The ability to work well with others.
The ability to meet deadlines.
The ability to adapt to change.
The ability to effectively communicate both orally and in writing.
The ability to think on their feet.
The ability and the willingness to make decisions, and to accept responsibility for those decisions.
The ability to build a strong work ethic.
The ability to develop strong organizational skills.
Finally, the gift of creativity!
Join the fun! Contact:
Mrs. Jaclyn Charneski, [email protected], 989-227-4284
Mr Barry Palmer, [email protected], 989-227-4282
Mr. Josh Heethouse, [email protected], 989-227-4466
Mr. Jarod Moyer, [email protected], 989-227-4274
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