Curriculum Guide
Mission Statement
Our Mission:
St. Johns Public Schools will provide an educational experience that prepares all students to become individuals who think critically, live purposefully, lead responsibly, communicate persuasively, and serve others generously.
Our Goal:
Our goal to present a program that allows every student the opportunity to be challenged, to pursue interests and goals, and to realize maximum potential.
Course Selection:
Your selection of courses may very well be the most important task you undertake during your high school career. Please involve your parents, teachers, and your counselor in this process.
Student requests are used to determine the classes offered. Care will be taken to ensure proper placement in the courses requested. Therefore, NO CHANGES IN A STUDENT'S SCHEDULE WILL BE MADE UNLESS THERE IS A COMPELLING REASON.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements/College Recommendations/Personal Curriculum
Minimum courses required for graduation:
4.0 English
4.0 Mathematics through Algebra II
3.0 Science (including Chemistry or Physics)
1.0 U.S. History I/II & Geography
1.0 World History I/II & Geography
.5 Government
.5 Economics
.5 Personal Finance (beginning with class of 2028)
.5 Careers/Computers
2.0 Foreign Language
1.0 Health & Physical Education
1.0 Visual, Performing or Applied Arts
2.0 Seminar
9.5 Electives (9.0 Electives beginning with class of 2028)
Online Learning Experiences
Printable Copy of 2025-2026 Curriculum Guide
Courses offered at St. Johns High School
Clinton County Career Connection Courses - These courses are available to juniors and seniors and provide possible Lansing Community College credits. Classes are year-long and replace two classes per trimester. - Eaton Intermediate School District - Course offers Heavy Equipment & Heavy Equipment Operator.
Maintained by SM 24-25