Progress and Report Cards
Progress reports and report cards are available through the parent portal regularly scheduled times during the year. If you need a hard copy of a report card mailed, please contact the main office.
A grade report of I (Incomplete) indicates that the work required must be completed within two weeks or an F will result.
Progress Reports will be available at Parent/Teacher conferences following the first six weeks of each Trimester.
Grades are given for scholastic achievement, citizenship marks, and other teacher comments.
If you are not pleased with your report card, please arrange for a conference with your teacher.
St Johns High School Grading Scale
93-100 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
59 and Below F
A grade report of I (Incomplete) indicates that the work required must be completed within two weeks or an F will result.
Permanent Record & Folder
Almost everything you do or fail to do in school is recorded on the permanent record forms or the CA-60 file folders. These are kept in the Student Services Center and after graduation are stored and kept for a period of time.
They contain your photographs, your subjects and grades, your class standing, your attendance record, your honors and awards, and your aptitude and achievement test scores. With them are kept your citizenship evaluations, failure reports, and all correspondence with home, college, employer, etc.
It is these records that are referred to and used in school when someone inquires about you.
Access to this information by other than school personnel is allowed only if written permission is granted by you and/or your parents.
Maintained by SM 23/24