The middle school yearbook is a special and enduring chronicle of our students' middle school years and events. It is a historical document of memories to share with family and friends for generations to come.
Our yearbook is created by St. Johns Middle School students under the guidance of their Advisor, Mrs. Swab. Students will take candid photographs, organize school photographs, document events as they happen during the school year, write cover stories, and edit the final publication. This group of dedicated, young people work very hard to bring our families a volume worthy of lifelong reflection.
Students, please be reminded of your inherent responsibility to be respectful and positive when signing another student’s yearbook. Our student handbook has specific language prohibiting students from defacing others' yearbooks (including the use of written profanity). Disciplinary action may include suspension and financial compensation (or replacement) of the damaged yearbook.
Parents are asked to review the yearbook signing responsibility with their children prior to the distribution of the books to students and direct them to be selective when they request signatures from fellow students. The school is not responsible for yearbooks that are damaged or defaced after the student willingly gives their yearbook to another student to sign.
Yearbooks are ON SALE NOW! Click HERE to get yours today and don't forget to like and follow our Facebook page for updates! Click HERE to get connected.
Your child received an order form this year from their Careers+ teacher, outlining all details regarding this year's book. Haven't seen this order form? Send your child to Mrs. Swab in Room 706 to pick up a new one!