Riley Parent Teacher Organization

We're doing it for the kids!

What do we do? Well, here's the short list...

The PTO at Riley is very active. With our annual budget, we sponsor educational assemblies throughout the year, help pay for busing for all the field trips taken, give the teachers and support staff money for their classrooms, purchase playground equipment and other equipment and supplies used in the school, and we organize many community building events.


2023-24 PTO Board Members

  • President -  Dana Nickols
                        [email protected]
  • Vice President -Hannah Figlewicz
  • Treasurer - Karen Nickols
  • Secretary - Tanna McGee
  • Members at Large - Nicole Martin, Molly Bancroft, Christie Shaffer

Every Riley Parent, Guardian, Teacher and Staff Person is an automatic member of the PTO. We welcome you to join us anytime. 

PTO Reports

PTO Minutes

PTO Budgets

Riley Run-Raiser

We ARE having a Run-Raiser this year! This will take place on May 21st in the afternoon, with two races one for upper elementary and one for lower elementary.  Volunteers needed!  Donations can be made (this link will be updated shortly). Thank you for your support!

Each year the Riley PTO hosts an annual fundraiser called the Riley Run-Raiser. This event is a donation based fundraiser where students bring in donations from family, friends, and businesses. Prizes are awarded to all students who participate. All students are rewarded with a fun obstacle course run at the end of the donation period. The main benefit of this type of event is that 100% of the profits go directly toward the PTO budget compared to approximately 30% from other fundraising methods, such as cookie, candy, or magazine sales.

Other Ways to Help

Please feel free to contact any of our PTO Officers with questions.  Better yet, join us at a meeting!  We want you to be a part of our community! For all current information, visit our Facebook group Riley Elementary PTO